Utah Division of Water Rights Test Server
2023 Well Type Statistics
Production Wells
Well Type # of Wells % of Total Bar Graph
Public Supply 18 2.6% l
Domestic 58 8.3% l
Domestic/Other 480 68.3% l
Irrigation 50 7.1% l
Irrigation/Other 33 4.7% l
Stock 41 5.8% l
Stock/Other 2 0.3% l
Commercial/Industrial 18 2.6% l
Undefined 3 0.4% l
Total 703
Non-Production Wells
Well Type # of Wells % of Total Bar Graph
Cathodic Protection 26 3.1% l
Closed Loop Heat Exchange 520 62.4% l
Test 78 9.4% l
Monitor 151 18.1% l
Piezometer 17 2.0% l
Dewatering 10 1.2% l
Other 31 3.7% l
Total 833

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