(WARNING: Water Rights makes NO claims as to the accuracy of this data.) RUN DATE: 05/13/2024
RECHARGE APPLICATION NUMBER: RC004                                             REGIONAL OFFICE: Cedar City
UNDERLYING WATER RIGHTS FOR THIS RECHARGE APPLICATION*******************************************************************************

NAME: Washington County Water Conservancy District
ADDR: 533 East Waterworks Drive
      St. George, UT  84770
OWNER(S) OF LAND TO WHICH WATER IS TO BE RECHARGED:********************************************************************************

NAME: Washington County Water Conservancy District
ADDR: 136 North 100 East
      St. George, UT  84770
APPLICATION PROCESSINGS DATES, ETC.*************************************************************************************************
FILED:     11/08/2001|PUB BEGAN: 11/29/2001|PUB ENDED: 12/06/2001|NEWSPAPER:  The Spectrum
ProtestEnd:12/26/2001|PROTESTED: [No Hear ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:01/31/2002|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2026
EXTENSION:           |PROOF SUBM:          |CERT ISSUE:          |LAP, ETC:            |LAPSE LETR:
RECON REQ:           |TYPE: [             ]
Status: Approved                    
GROUND WATER BASIN******************************************************************************************************************
Ground Water Basin: Sand Mountain Navajo/Kayenta Aquifer
QUANTITY & LOCATION OF WATER TO BE RECHARGED*** MAP VIEW ************************************************************************
FLOW: 15000.0 acre-feet                            SOURCE: Virgin River
COUNTY: Washington   COMMON DESCRIPTION: Sand Hollow Reservoir

(1) S  170 ft E  979 ft from NW cor, Sec 29, T 41S, R 12W, SLBM 
      Diverting Works:  Concrete dam and pipeline.                         Source:
(2) S  350 ft E 1530 ft from NE cor, Sec 24, T 42S, R 14W, SLBM 
      Diverting Works:  Earthen dam at Sand Hollow Reservoir               Source:  Point of Rediversion
Storage from 01/01 to 12/31, inclusive, in Sand Hollow Reservoir with a maximum capacity of 50000.000 acre-feet, located in:
   Height of Dam:         85   NORTH-WEST¼       NORTH-EAST¼       SOUTH-WEST¼       SOUTH-EAST¼
   Area Inundated:   1450.00   NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE
Sec 19 T 42S R 13W SLBM       * X:  : X:  *     *  :  :  :  *     * X:  : X: X*     *  :  :  :  *
Sec 30 T 42S R 13W SLBM       * X: X: X: X*     *  :  :  :  *     * X:  : X:  *     *  :  :  :  *
Sec 13 T 42S R 14W SLBM       *  :  :  :  *     *  :  :  :  *     *  :  :  : X*     *  :  :  :  *
Sec 24 T 42S R 14W SLBM       * X: X: X: X*     * X: X: X: X*     * X: X: X: X*     * X: X: X: X*
Sec 25 T 42S R 14W SLBM       * X: X: X: X*     * X: X: X: X*     * X: X:  :  *     *  :  :  :  *
Sec 26 T 42S R 14W SLBM       *  :  :  :  *     * X: X: X: X*     *  :  :  :  *     * X: X:  :  *
WATER BALANCE **********************************************************************************************************************
LOSS FACTOR:    0%    WAIT TIME:     months     Month of Loss:          Total Water Balance:    123,290.00000 acre feet.
For Additional Information regarding WATER BALANCE, etc., CLICK HERE
OTHER COMMENTS**********************************************************************************************************************
     This Recharge Permit Application was originally filed in the Water Rights
     Database as 81-4428 (A73747).

     This Groundwater Recharge Application [State Engineer`s Application #4] is
     filed pursuant to Utah`s Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Act, Utah Code Ann.
     73-3b-101 to 402, and covers the recharge portion of the District`s
     Recharge/Recovery Project.  The water supply for the District`s
     Recharge/Recovery Project will be pursuant to Water Right Number 81-4211 which
     allows the District to divert up to 50,000 acre-feet annually of water from
     the Virgin River.  The water will be diverted from the Virgin River at the
     Quail Creek diversion dam as set forth above and conveyed by pipeline into the
     Sand Hollow Reservoir, currently being constructed on District property, and
     it will serve as the infiltration basis for the recharge component of the
     project.  The reservoir is located on the Navajo Sandstone formation and it is
     anticipated that a significant quantity of water will infiltrate into the
     underlying groundwater basin due to the characteristics of the Navajo
     Sandstone in the Reservoir basin.

     [For additional explanatory comments and information, see the written version
     of this application available in the State Engineer`s office.]

     POINT OF DIVERSION:  The listed point of diversion is the concrete diversion
     dam constructed as part of the Quail Lake project.

     POINT OF REDIVERSION & POINT OF RETURN:  The listed point is located at the
     outlet of the earthen dam on Sand Hollow Reservoir.  At this point, water
     stored in the reservoir may be rediverted for beneficial uses.  The reservoir
     above this point (see the STORAGE component of this application) constitutes
     the area of recharge.

     OPERATING AND MONITORING PLAN: [See written application]


     EVIDENCE OF WATER QUALITY PERMITS:  None required.  See letter dated April 2,
     2001 from Dee C. Hansen to Don A. Ostler, attached as Exhibit A.



         Exhibit A. Letter from Dee C. Hansen to Don A. Ostler / April 2, 2001
         Exhibit B. EWP `Feasibility Report` (October 1997) & `Addendum`(Not dated)

NAME: Lea Thompson                                                 NAME:
ADDR: 2012 South Flora Tec 79-3                                    ADDR:
      Hurricane, UT 84737
APPLICATIONS FOR EXTENSIONS OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO SUBMIT PROOF********************************************************************
FILED:     01/26/2005|PUB BEGAN:           |PUB ENDED:           |NEWSPAPER: No Adv Required
ProtestEnd:          |PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:09/22/2005|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2007
FILED:     01/26/2007|PUB BEGAN:           |PUB ENDED:           |NEWSPAPER: No Adv Required
ProtestEnd:          |PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:06/15/2007|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2016
FILED:     01/25/2016|PUB BEGAN: 02/11/2016|PUB ENDED: 02/18/2016|NEWSPAPER: The Spectrum
ProtestEnd:03/09/2016|PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:05/23/2016|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2026
ASSOCIATED RECOVERY APPLICATIONS:***************************************************************************************************
RC004-001  |FILED: February 05, 2002    |APPLICANT:  Washington County Water Conservancy District |STATUS: Approved
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