Johnson Canyon Water Policy Meeting

Kane County Courtroom, Kanab, Utah

December 9, 1998

List of Attendees:

G. Lloyd Chamberlain
Kane County Water Conservancy District
256 South 400 East
Kanab, Utah 84741

Michael Noel
Kane County Water Conservancy District
Box 122
Kanab, Utah 84741

Laureen Fulton
Alpine Mountain Realty
Box 1292
Duck Creek, Utah 84762

Lynette Foster
ERA Utah Properties
30 East Center St
Kanab, Utah 84741

John Kenyon Little
Kanab, Utah 84741

Carol S. Cluff
Box 3982
Page, Arizona 86040

Leon S. & Caroline Lippencott
690 North Columbus St
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103

John & Linda Clark
2797 West Hazelhurst Dr
Taylorsville, Utah 84118

Jim Allen
Alpine Mountain Realty
Box 1292
Duck Creek, Utah 84762
Jack Hicks
Canyon Country Water
6226 Zion Rd
Kanab, Utah 84741

Greg Metcalf
Box 89
Kanab, Utah 84741

Joy R. Jordan
City of Fredonia
Box 222
Fredonia, Arizona 86022

Shawna Cox
1031 South Monument Rd
Kanab, Utah 84741

Peter McColl
East Kanab Water Co.
1240 East 100 South #100
St. George, Utah 84790

Rick Hafen
East Kanab Water Co.
Box 623
Santa Clara, Utah 84765

Kenneth Tweten
East Kanab Water Co.
1801 East Tropicana #9
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

Karon Jacobsen
1020 South Monument Rd
Kanab, Utah 84741

Sean & LaVonne Crosby
Falcon Point Ltd.
7014 Highway 89
Kanab, Utah 84741

Lynn Goodfellow
Falcon Point Ltd.
7014 Highway 89
Kanab, Utah 84741

Russ & Joanne Easton
Vermillion Cliffs Estates
4233 East Redcliff
Kanab, Utah 84741

Hal Fickas
East Kanab Water Co.
5933 Zion Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Cynthia Myers
475 North Cresent Butte Tr.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Karl Heaton
Kane County Water Conservancy District
50 South 100 West
Alton, Utah 84710

Dallas Sorensen
Kane County Water Conservancy District
Box 85
Glendale, Utah 84729

Brent Alvey
Seeps Ranch
Box 418
Kanab, Utah 84741

Jet Mackelprang
2120 Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Roger F. Holland
602 North 200 East
Kanab, Utah 84741

Richard Budd
Canyon Country Water Users
1088 South Monument Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Dan & Jackie Thebeay
Box 55
Kanab, Utah 84741

Barbara Warner
Box 416
Kanab, Utah 84741

Dan Beus
Box 416
Kanab, Utah 84741

Todd Macfarlane
Western Heritage Foundation
1889 South Westview Dr.
Cedar City, Utah 84720

Claude & Alta Bradbury
7295 North Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

DeRalph Bunting
158 West 100 North
Kanab, Utah 84741

Robert Whitlock
330 North 7650 East
Kanab, Utah 84741

Lyle Wetzel
Box 384
Kanab, Utah 84741

Scott & Bonnie Dunn
Box 41
Kanab, Utah 84741

Tim Bodell
Aqua Terra Engineers
Box 1
Kanab, Utah 84741

Warren Foote
Barracks Ranch Inc.
60 North 100 East
Kanab, Utah 84741
Gary J. & Ramon Bunting
48 East 400 South
Kanab, Utah 84741

Alden Wadleigh
Box 658
Fredonia, Arizona 86022

Russ & Tap Whitaker
Canyon Country
5998 East Navajo Trail
Kanab, Utah 84741

Jimmy & Leslie Lee
Spring Canyon Ranch
3850 North Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Sylvan & Farris Johnson
Spring Creek Ranch
3850 North Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Allen Gilberg
Box 328
Kanab, Utah 84741

Jeanne Johnson
Box 328
Kanab, Utah 84741

Susan Hittson
475 North Cresent Butte Tr.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Mary Craven
7205 Sun Flower Ln.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Nellie & Lynn Asay
702 South 600 West
Orem, Utah 84058

Allan Supernaw
456 Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Eldon Swapp
6930 Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741

Paula Swapp
6930 Johnson Canyon Rd.
Kanab, Utah 84741